Our latest family news is the addition of a puppy to the mix. She's a yellow lab born on November 5, and we named her Aspen. She's a cutie and so far our "mature" black lab, Dallas, is tolerating her quite nicely. It's been awhile since we've had a puppy - she's sure cute but I am really glad to have Dallas around to babysit her! It helps that she has a playmate. The kids absolutely love her, and John is quite taken with her as well.
We have also acquired another black lab - a 15-month old trained hunting dog. It was my Christmas gift to John and his name is Yankee. At this point we are simply "trying him out" to see if he fits with the family and how he does duck hunting. So far thumbs are up on all counts. So we seriously have a lot of 4-legged animals around here right now...you can't forget Cabela, the stray cat we obtained as a kitty in May...:)