Friday, June 23, 2017

Costa Rica Missions Trip Day 4

June 23

We started the day with breakfast at Cecelia's - the fresh fruit is absolutely amazing.  Hillary was a little disappointed that there was toast instead of potato cakes, but there's always tomorrow :).  The pineapple fruit smoothie has become a staple for her however! I sure love the coffee, and even Cecelia said "Te gusto mucho el cafe!" Si, senorita, I do.

On the way to Tarcoles we stopped to replenish our water supply, and to pick up some ant spray & dish soap.  We also made a visit to a local ferreteria (hardware store) to get a couple more paint rollers & a scraper to help address our paint spills. Everyone is so friendly!  It's fun to experience everyday life here.

Our focus today was to get the rest of the blue paint covered with the light grey, which was easier said than done. Some of the walls are so heavily textured that it took multiple rolls with the rollers, and a lot of tedious "dabs" with the paint brushes.  Just before lunch our friend Glenn showed up and surveyed our work.  We shared our frustration with some of the walls, and then he disappeared...only to return shortly with two painters equipped with rollers and ready to help us tackle some of the challenging walls, hard to reach areas & the outside of the building.  As we left for lunch, we all felt more confident that we will actually finish our painting job by the end of the day tomorrow!

Since we have enjoyed the Soda (diner) we've frequented for lunch for the past 2 days, we decided to return once again!  It's been great to have Brenda with us as her Spanish is in a whole other place than mine.  What a bonus to get exactly what we order, instead of being served something sort of close to what we thought we were ordering.

Our two new amigos knocked out a lot of painting, as did the rest of us. The best part was moving beyond grey and opening up the orange paint.  A new color to paint actually gave us all a little lift!  Telling ourselves we would stop for ice cream on the way home may have also been helpful.

We wrapped up around 4:30 and headed back to Oeste Esterillos, stopping for some bomb ice cream in Jaco.  We had a little time before dinner so I went for a quick run during which I found another beach area just down the way from our little casa.  It was gorgeous!! We will definitely be jumping in the ocean in that area sometime in the next couple of days.  Dinner was at Cecelia's, and tonight we had shrimp or fish with rice, a broccoli and carrot ensalada and her awesome & refreshing fruit drinks. Hillary was very happy to see potato cakes on the side.

So things I learned in Costa Rica today...1) Matching plates/mugs/cups are overrated in Costa Rica. 2) I used to really like the color blue but after seeing it peek through freshly painted grey walls for 2 days may put it on my "dislike" list. 3) Bags of rice at the grocery store are very large. 4) Costa Ricans love to make eye contact and say "Hola!" or chat for a moment.  And they are patient with those of us who like to think we know Spanish.

Hillary checking out the hammock before starting our long day of painting!
Meet Glenn.

That's a lot of rice.

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