Friday, August 26, 2016

First Day of School Failure!

So for the past couple of weeks on Facebook we've seen happy smiling faces of kids going back to school accompanied by sappy posts from parents (aka moms) about the ages and grades of their kids. Yes, I am one of those moms who insists on first day of school pictures, writing down what they wore, what they did & other tidbits about their first day.  Fortunately for my kids, I did finally back off in response to their plea for me to stop going up to the school and taking pictures with their teachers.

Trace and Jordan (our other kid for the fall) started school yesterday.  It was a rather calm morning since both kids got up on time, ate breakfast with no arguing or fighting, were ready to leave in an appropriate manner and were quite accommodating for the photo shoot.  Today?  Not so much.

Today was a first day of school failure all around!  Someone hit the snooze button. Someone else took too much time in the bathroom.  More than one was late for breakfast, and it wouldn't be a school morning if someone couldn't find all the pieces to their outfit. I tried a new pancake recipe, hoping to accommodate some new dietary changes the doctor recommended for Trace...let's just say that one won't be a repeat.  When someone fed the dogs, they ran off.  When I asked one child why their hair wasn't done yet they said it was my fault. One child told another one to shut up, and you know that always goes well. Devotional?  Yeah, that didn't happen either.

I shooed them out the door, 5 minutes late, had them pose and told them to "look like you are happy for the photo even though you aren't". They obliged, and if you see our pics, you would think we are a big happy family.  Two seconds later they were loading in the car, arguing about who was going to sit where and the oldest asked if he could make the younger ones walk from the high school instead of dropping them off at the elementary.  I stuck my head in the window and told them to have a great day, then waved at them as they drove away.  As I went back into the kitchen I surveyed the pancake mess, started laughing and thought "After almost 2 years of not doing one blog post, I am so blogging this today."

1 comment:

  1. Some days are like that "even in Australia." ALEXANDER AND THE NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY
